Auto glass insurance claims can differ from policy to policy, so it is important that you understand how your insurance coverage is set. Many auto glass insurance policies allow for free repairs of chips and cracks in your windshield, thusly offsetting the cost of expensive replacements.
Most auto glass insurance policies will require you to pay a deductible for windshield replacement, a set amount that you pay and then insurance kicks in for the rest of the cost to replace your windshield. While you will still have to pay some money out of pocket, in most cases, it’s not nearly as expensive as paying for the replacement fully.
With your auto glass insurance policy, you will need to be careful though. Before you get auto glass insurance, there are a few things you need to find out. Firstly, find out from an auto glass repair shop how much a windshield will cost to replace in your vehicle.
Find out how much a factory windshield costs and a standard windshield. Then find out if your windshield could be repaired (some can not be repaired). You will also need to find out how much your insurance will cost you to add auto glass coverage (in yearly premium) and how much your deductible will be.
Most vehicle owners replace their windshield once per year. The total cost of your yearly premium coupled with your deductible is how much money you will pay each year for a replacement windshield. If that cost is higher than a replacement windshield paid for out of pocket, then it is more worth it to bypass the auto glass insurance all together. Read More